Hi all! Rules is Rules, right?

Let's see how these fit the bill:
1. Group Build runs from 0001hrs Sunday 1st April 2018 to 2359hrs Thursday 31st May 2018,
builder's local time.
1a. Due to sufficient grovelling an extension has been granted to 2359hrs Thursday 14th June 2018, builder's local time.2. You can enter any subject air/land/water/space pertaining to any second activation of the Korean War past, present or future but it
must relate to the
Second Korean War - so a back story of some sort may be necessary to clarify the context.
3. You may build as many entries as you like; physical & electronic models, & stories are all welcome. The posting of in-progress pictures is encouraged as always.
4. "Preparation" work is allowed prior to the start of the GB - this includes the cutting out and cleaning up of parts, even printing your own decals or parts (3D printing) - but anything involving paint or glue is not allowed.
5. Part-started models will be considered by the moderators (me). The moderators (me) would prefer pic's of physical models, pic's (if possible) & an explanation of how much is left to do for CG/electronic models (about which we (I) know zip), written works will need an explanation of where you're at in the process (we (I) know a bit about this) and they (I) will convene and pass judgment, their (my) decision being final - we are (I am) relying on the honour of our membership to uphold this rule.
6. No rule 6 - Nope, ain't happ'nin'!
7. An extension may be granted
IF there is sufficient activity in the GB, there are sufficient numbers with suitable excuses requesting an extension
AND appropriate bribes are offered to the moderators (me) & Greg.
8. Moderators – Old Wombat (me).