Author Topic: 1/72 Ryan Rear Ender Testbed  (Read 11493 times)

Offline Brian da Basher

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1/72 Ryan Rear Ender Testbed
« on: June 30, 2016, 06:38:03 AM »

The 1930s truly were the golden age of aviation. Almost every aircraft manufacturer was testing the limits of aerodynamics and their imaginations.

The good people at Ryan were keen to test the properties of a pusher configuration. They hoped this unusual layout might lead to higher speed from increased streamlining as well as good stall performance. An engineering proposal with technical drawings was prepared.

However, the semi-literate typist preparing the proposal had trouble with the engineer-speak description of "reverse-mounted, air-cooled radial engine powered prototype testbed of pusher configuration"...

Since there were pictures, the typist sort-of got the gist of things and pecked out "Rear Ender" instead. This failure of modern education would, in the end, prove prophetic.

A prototype Ryan Rear Ender pusher was ordered by the Experimental Test Dept. in late 1937. Enhanced flight characteristics from the unique design were eagerly anticipated.

The twin-boomed wonder was powered by a nine cylinder Pratt & Whitney R-1830 Twin Wasp radial and could carry a crew of two along with various test instruments. View from the bulging, bug-like canopy was excellent but what was really eye-popping was the spatted, tricycle undercarriage.

These were the sleekest, most streamlined, spatted landing gear yet seen at Ryan and because there were three of them, they were even more fearsome than usual.

Flight testing commenced in late June, 1938. Things looked promising at first.

Then on July 5th, the regular test pilot called off hung over and a replacement was hurriedly assigned. The new test pilot had no experience with a "reverse-mounted, air-cooled radial engine powered prototype testbed of pusher configuration" and trouble loomed.

The pilot wasn't used to the engine being in the back and accidentally gunned the Rear Ender in reverse. In doing so, he backed into a nearby parked car.

As this was the first airplaine-into-auto accident where both parties were insured, things got a little complicated.

The owner of the car thought the pilot's insurance should pay because the plane hit him. The pilot thought the car owner should pay due to reckless parking. These forensic accident recreations were submitted as evidence during the long drawn-out claims adjudication process.

Finally in 1953 all outstanding claims were paid and the interested parties collapsed in exhaustion after 15 years of litigation.

Totally forgotten today except for apocryphal stories whispered in hushed tones to new claims adjusters, for one brief, shining moment the Ryan Rear Ender completely lived up to its name and then some.

Brian da Basher

« Last Edit: June 30, 2016, 08:25:10 AM by Brian da Basher »

Offline Brian da Basher

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Re: 1/72 Ryan Rear Ender Testbed
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2016, 07:05:05 AM »
The basis for this project are the wings and twin tail booms from a Heller Saab J-21 that I picked up on the cheap (like $3 cheap) a while back. With box art like this, it's no wonder I should be ashamed I parted it out.

To this I added the nose off of an OV-10 Bronco that came in a box of parts from Frank3k eons ago (thanks a million, Frank!). To this, I added a few more parts...

Yet more vac-formed spats courtesy of Mr Fontaine (many thanks, Jeff!) and a spare spat Weaver sent me during Spat-a-thon 2012 (I'm most grateful!). The engine is from goodness knows where but at least can be mistaken for a nine cylinder Pratt & Whitney R-1830 Twin Wasp radial if one forgets their glasses. The nifty exhaust ring was from an Italeri Cr-42 and the prop is from a Texan (thanks, hamsterman!). Of course, nothing's simple and I had to do a bit of work closing up the rear fuselage. Much card stock was sacrificed.

On both the top and bottom. Don't worry, it'll all work out in the (rear) end(er) I assure you.

After a bit more work, I had this beauty up on her new (spatted!) legs. It needed some nose weight.

"Other than that, Mr. Lincoln, how did you like the flight?"

The model was brush painted with various hairy sticks and Polly Scale Lettering Gray acrylic, mostly. The engine was finished with Model Masters Gun Metal and dry-brushed with a bit of Aluminum to highlight the details. Polly Scale Old Silver was used on the prop. The exhaust was painted with Jet Exhaust and the canopy tinted with insignia blue.

Decals were a mix from spares. The Ryan logos came from the venerable Testor's Spirit of St. Louis and the registration on the wings is from a 1/48 Piper Cub (thanks again, Jeff!). Those black cheat lines have been floating around the decal dungeon so long I can't remember where they came from.

I had a blast on this project which, while in the planning stages for a while, took me the better part of the last week to build.

I hope you enjoyed the Ryan Rear Ender and reading a little more esoteric aviation history. Here's one last shot that shows off those fearsome spats!

Brian da Basher
« Last Edit: June 30, 2016, 07:55:04 AM by Brian da Basher »

Offline apophenia

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Re: 1/72 Ryan Rear Ender Testbed
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2016, 11:15:06 AM »
Great build, hilarious backstory, and more spats that you can shake a stick at. In other words, more BdB Brilliance!  :)
"Report back to me when, uh ... I don't know ... when it makes sense."

Offline Tophe

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Re: 1/72 Ryan Rear Ender Testbed
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2016, 11:46:55 AM »
 :-* :-*
 :-* :-*
 :-* :-*
I "fear" my vote is already locked there. Impossible to do better... :-* :-*

Offline Jeffry Fontaine

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Re: 1/72 Ryan Rear Ender Testbed
« Reply #4 on: June 30, 2016, 12:29:42 PM »
Always glad to see another spatted project from you Brian.  Will have to get my Mattel Vac-u-Form machine upgraded sometime soon so I can make you some more spats :)
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Offline ysi_maniac

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Re: 1/72 Ryan Rear Ender Testbed
« Reply #5 on: June 30, 2016, 11:41:35 PM »
Love it !!!

Offline GTX_Admin

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Re: 1/72 Ryan Rear Ender Testbed
« Reply #6 on: July 01, 2016, 03:06:41 AM »
All hail the God of Frustration!!!

You can't outrun Death forever.
But you can make the Bastard work for it.

Offline Brian da Basher

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Re: 1/72 Ryan Rear Ender Testbed
« Reply #7 on: July 01, 2016, 03:44:19 AM »
I'm glad you guys liked this one. I had a lot of fun putting it together.

Mr Fontaine, I've been very pleased with the results I've gotten from your spats. This must be due to your insane skill with that Mattel Vac Former as my modeling ability is a bit limited. I will gladly accept more with much gratitude. Please let me know if you need masters.

Not only do Jeff's spats look the business every time, but they have the added bonus of keeping my vac skills from rusting over completely. Which is nice because I have a great Rareplanes vac kit I want to tackle once I get up the nerve.

Now let's hope we get some more entries or you'll have no choice but to vote for me.

Brian da Basher

Offline KiwiZac

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Re: 1/72 Ryan Rear Ender Testbed
« Reply #8 on: July 01, 2016, 05:24:16 AM »
Bravo Brian, bravo!! I love every bit of it! At first I thought the booms were from a P-38, I'd never have picked it was a SAAB.
Zac in NZ
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Re: 1/72 Ryan Rear Ender Testbed
« Reply #9 on: July 01, 2016, 07:03:21 AM »
Oh boy!  Another wonder of Brian's superb imagination - nice work mate!

Offline Frank3k

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Re: 1/72 Ryan Rear Ender Testbed
« Reply #10 on: July 01, 2016, 11:42:43 PM »
This looks great, Brian! Nice use of parts; I am very fond of that Heller kit - it's not bad at all - but you really made good use of it, and that old, neglected Hasegawa OV-10. Your model reminds me of a faster, sleeker version of the Abrams P-1 Explorer!

Offline The Big Gimper

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Re: 1/72 Ryan Rear Ender Testbed
« Reply #11 on: July 02, 2016, 12:40:37 AM »
Brian: You snuck up from behind me on this build. I see you are in for a penny and therefore in for a pound. And you are also "pushing" yourself in order to propel to new directions.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2016, 02:31:06 AM by The Big Gimper »
Work in progress ::

I am giving up listing them. They all end up on the shelf of procrastination anyways.

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Offline Brian da Basher

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Re: 1/72 Ryan Rear Ender Testbed
« Reply #12 on: July 02, 2016, 02:34:43 AM »
Many thanks both for the kit and for clearing up its provenance, Frank!

If you want to see what happened to the rest of that lovely OV-10, just click here.

Brian da Basher

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Re: 1/72 Ryan Rear Ender Testbed
« Reply #13 on: July 02, 2016, 05:17:10 AM »
Obviously the Ryan Rear Ender was still inspiring the folks at Potez some 20yrs later...

All hail the God of Frustration!!!

You can't outrun Death forever.
But you can make the Bastard work for it.

Offline Tophe

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Re: 1/72 Ryan Rear Ender Testbed
« Reply #14 on: July 02, 2016, 11:26:15 AM »
If you want to see what happened to the rest of that lovely OV-10, just click here.
Back in 2012?? I have forgotten completely! I was ready to answer "Very belated congratulations for this other marvel"  :-* :-* , then I found a similar congratulation of mine dating back then (I had forgotten, sorry)...
It is incredible that you built the Ryan Rear End winner with remaining parts only... You are a Super Hero as far as model parts are concerned, Brian...

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Re: 1/72 Ryan Rear Ender Testbed
« Reply #15 on: July 04, 2016, 09:28:04 AM »
More BdB niceness