Thanks Upnorth
Now in this Alt History Cuba with Castro his a key elements as long as a diferent white paper will see UK with a different role also in the Far East ......
1956January 1 1956: Suez Crisis- The Anglo-Egyptian Condominium ends in Sudan.
January 16 1956: Suez Crisis- Egyptian leader Gamal Abdel Nasser vows to reconquer Palestine.
January 25-26 1956:Cold War- Finnish troops reoccupy Porkkala after Soviet troops vacate its military base. Civilians can return
January 16 1956: Sport- The 1956 Winter Olympic Games open in Cortina d'Ampezzo, Italy.
February 11 1956: Cold War- British spies Guy Burgess and Donald Maclean resurface in the Soviet Union after being missing for 5 years.
February 22 1956: Music & Movies – Elvis Presley enters the United States music charts for the first time, with Heartbreak Hotel.
February 25 1956: Cold War- Nikita Khrushchev attacks the veneration of Joseph Stalin as a "cult of personality."
March 2 1956: Algerian War- Morocco declares its independence from France.
March 9 1956: Cyprus Emergency-The British deport Archbishop Makarios from Cyprus to the Seychelles.
March 12 1956: Cold War- Soviet Armed Forces suppresses mass demonstrations in the Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic, reacting to Nikita Khrushchev's de-Stalinization policy.
March 13 1956: Politics- 96 U.S. Congressmen sign the Southern Manifesto, a protest against the 1954 Supreme Court ruling (Brown v. Board of Education) that desegregated public education.
March 20 1956: Algerian War- Tunisia gains independence from France.
April 7 1956: Algerian War- Spain relinquishes its protectorate in Morocco.
April 9 1956: Algerian War- Habib Bourguiba is elected prime minister of Tunisia.
April 19 1956: Cold War- British diver and Secret Service Agent Lionel Crabb dives into Portsmouth harbour to investigate a visiting Soviet cruiser and vanishes.
April 27 1956: Sport– Heavyweight boxing champion Rocky Marciano retires without losing a professional boxing match.
May 1 1957: Cold War- At the May 1st Parade for the first airplanes with the livery of each Soviet Republic appears, similar to the US National Guard.

May 8 1956: Indonesian Konfrontasi- The constitutional union between Indonesia and the Netherlands is dissolved
May 23 1956: Algerian War- French minister Pierre Mendès France resigns due to his government's policy on Algeria.
June 28 1956: Cold War- Labour riots in Poznań, Poland, are crushed with heavy loss of life. Soviet troops fire at a crowd that protests high prices, killing 53.
June 29 1956: Music & Movies- Actress Marilyn Monroe marries playwright Arthur Miller.
July 7 1956: Hungarian Revolution- Soviet hardliner Rakosi is forced from power and ordered to Moscow, the moderate Enro Gero is appointed as successor.
July 19 1956: Suez Crisis- US withdraw financial aid for Aswan Dam project. Official reason is Egypt's increased ties to USSR.
July 26 1956:Suez Crisis- President Nasser announces plan to nationalize Suez Canal.
July 28 1956: Suez Crisis- Britain freezes Egyptian assets.
July 30 1956: Suez Crisis- British Prime Minister Anthony Eden imposes an arms embargo on Egypt, and informs General Nasser that he cannot have the Suez Canal.
August 1 1956: Suez Crisis- Britain, France and US hold talks on escalating Suez crisis.
August 2 1956: Suez Crisis- Britain mobilizes armed forces for the Suez Crisis, a Royal proclamation announced the call up of all reservists and the retention of all troops due for discharge. All carriers at sea were recalled to port and Bulwark embarked her air group of three squadrons of Sea Hawks.
August 17 1956: Cold War – West Germany bans the Communist Party of Germany.
August 21 1956: Suez Crisis- Egypt says it will negotiate on Suez ownership if Britain pulls out of the Middle East.
August 23 1956: Suez Crisis- USSR announces it will send troops if Egypt is attacked.
August 26 1956: Suez Crisis- General Nasser agrees to five nation conference on Suez Canal.
September 5 1956: Suez Crisis- Israel condemns Egypt over Suez crisis.
September 9 1956: Suez Crisis- Conference talks collapse when General Nasser refuses to allow international control of the Suez Canal.
September 14 1956: Suez Crisis- Egypt now in full control of the Suez Canal.
September 19-21 1956: Politics- The President of Argentina, Juan Peron, is ousted in a military coup.
September 21 1956: Cuban Crisis- Nicaraguan dictator Anastasio Somoza García is assassinated.
October 13 1956: Suez Crisis- Anglo-French proposal for the control of the Suez Canal is vetoed by the USSR during UN session.
October 13 1956: Hungarian Revolution- Imre Nagy is reinstated in the Communist Party.
October 13 1956: Hungarian Revolution- Students demonstration requests radical changes in the Communist Party Line.
October 22 1956: Suez Crisis- Britain, France, and Israel secretly meet in and make plans to invade Egypt.
October 23 1956: Hungarian Revolution- The Hungarian revolution breaks out against the pro-Soviet government. Hungary attempts to leave the Warsaw Pact.
October 24 1956 : Hungarian Revolution- Red Army troops stationed in Hungary attempt to take control of Budapest under request from Gero.
October 24 1956 : Hungarian Revolution- Major fighting’s around the Parliament Square in Budapest, Gero is replaced by Janos Kadar
October 24 1956 : Hungarian Revolution- Additional Soviet troops arrive in Budapest, fierce fighting’s continue
October 28 1956: Hungarian Revolution- A cease fire is devlared in Hungart
October 28 1956: Hungarian Revolution- Negotiations starts between Soviet Union and Hungarian Government, in reality the USSR is just buying some time to reinforce their position after the initial fiasco.
October 29 1956: Suez Crisis- Israel invades the Sinai Peninsula and push Egyptian forces back toward the Suez Canal.
October 30 1956: Suez Crisis- Britain and France veto USSR demand for Israel-Egypt cease-fire
October 31 1956: Suez Crisis- H.M.S. Eagle, Albion and Bulwark left Malta with the Helicopter Carriers H.M.S. Ocean and Theseus.
October 31 1956: Hungarian Revolution- President Dwight D. Eisenhower praised the promise by Moscow made the previous day of major concessions to Hungarians in revolt as "the dawning of a new day" in Eastern Europe.
October 31 1956: Suez Crisis- The United Kingdom and France begin bombing Egypt to force the reopening of the Suez Canal.
November 1 1956: Suez Crisis- An emergency special session of the UN is; the same day Nasser requests diplomatic assistance from the U.S., without requesting the same from the Soviet Union.
November 2 1956: Hungarian Revolution- Hungary appealed for UN assistance against Soviet invasion. The Soviets chose Janos Kadar to form a counter-government
November 2 1956: Suez Crisis- UN Assembly finally approves a cease-fire plan for Suez.
November 2 1956: Suez Crisis- F4U-7 Corsairs from the 14.F and 15.F Aéronavale taking off from the French carriers Arromanches and La Fayette, attacked the Cairo aerodrome.
November 4 1956: Hungarian Revolution- More Soviet troops invade Hungary to crush a revolt that started on October 23. Thousands are killed, more are wounded, and nearly a quarter million leave the country. Imre Nagy gets asylum in the Yugoslavian Embassy
November 5 1956: Suez Crisis- British and French forces involved in airborne invasion of Egypt .The 3rd Battalion of the British Parachute Regiment dropped at El Gamil Airfield, clearing the area and establishing a secure base for incoming support aircraft and reinforcements.
November 6 1956: Suez Crisis- British Commandos stormed the beaches, using landing craft of World War II landing crafts while French paratroopers jumped over the al-Raswa bridges from Noratlas Nord 2501
November 6 1956: Politics – United States presidential election, 1956: Republican incumbent Dwight D. Eisenhower defeats Democrat challenger Adlai E. Stevenson in a rematch of their contest 4 years earlier.
November 7 1956: Suez Crisis- The United Nations General Assembly adopts a resolution calling for the United Kingdom, France, and Israel to withdraw their troops from Arab lands immediately.
November 7-30 1956: Suez Crisis- In concert with U.S. actions Saudi Arabia started an oil embargo against Britain and France. The U.S. refused to fill the gap until Britain and France agreed to a rapid withdrawal. The other NATO members refused to sell oil they received from Arab nations to Britain or France
November 8 1956: Hungarian Revolution- UN demanded USSR leave Hungary.
November 13 1956: Civil Rights- The United States Supreme Court declares Alabama and Montgomery, Alabama laws requiring segregated buses illegal, thus ending the Montgomery Bus Boycott.
November 14 1956: Hungarian Revolution- Fighting ends in Hungary.
November 20 1956: Cold War- In Yugoslavia, former prime minister Milovan Djilas is arrested after he criticizes Josip Broz Tito.
November 22 1956: Sport- The 1956 Summer Olympics begin in Melbourne, Australia.
November 23 1956: Suez Crisis- The Suez Crisis causes petrol rationing in Britain.
November 25 1956: Suez Crisis- Egypt begins to expel British, French, and Zionist residents.
November 28 1956: Music & Movies – Roger Vadim's drama film And God Created Woman released in France (as Et Dieu… créa la femme) propels Brigitte Bardot into the public spotlight as a "sex kitten".
November 29 1956: Suez Crisis- Tripartite Invasion is officially ended under pressure from UN.
December 1956: Hungarian Revolution- Thousands of Hungarians flee the country and ask for exile to Austria.
December 2 1956: Cuban Crisis- The Yacht Granma with Fidel Castro and other 81 revolutionaries arrived in Cuba.
December 4 1956: Hungarian Revolution- While making Air patrol over the Austrian Hungarian border a couple of Soviet MiG15s invade the Austrian airspace and are attacked by Austrian Me262 with former Luftwaffe WWII pilots on board

December 5 1956: Cuban Crisis- Only twenty of the men on the Granma have escaped from bloody fighting’s with Batista’s army and succeeded in fleeing in the Sierra Maestra Mountains. The group of survivors included Fidel Castro, Che Guevara, Raúl Castro, and Camilo Cienfuegos.
December 20 1956: Suez Crisis- Israel refuses to return Gaza to Egypt.
December 24 1956: Suez Crisis- British and French troops depart Egypt.
December 28 1956: Suez Crisis- Operation to clear sunken ship in Suez Canal starts.