Author Topic: Sanding Resin  (Read 998 times)

Offline ChalkLine

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Sanding Resin
« on: January 11, 2025, 07:51:52 PM »
Resin sanding is understandably dangerous.

I'm going to try it in my iddy-biddy spraybooth.

Does anyone have any tips & techniques?

Offline Kerick

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Re: Sanding Resin
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2025, 12:05:44 AM »
I’m thinking of a sanding booth made from a plastic storage bin, a bathroom fan and a furnace filter. The same basic setup as my spray booth. If it’s a good furnace filter I shouldn’t have to vent it outside. Of course the biggest problem would be where to put it
Something with plenty of airflow would be best.

Offline Frank3k

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Re: Sanding Resin
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2025, 07:39:17 AM »
Face mask and eye protection and always, always wet sand resin (wet the sanding surface/material and keep it wet, or put everything in a container full of water and sand that way). That cuts down the dust. Of course you have to wash everything afterwards, or you'll have a slurry of wet resin dust turn turning into piles of resin dust.

Offline Kerick

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Re: Sanding Resin
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2025, 12:22:38 PM »
Sounds like wet sanding outside might be best. If only the weather would cooperate.
To clarify, the sanding booth would be for general purpose sanding of plastic and wood. Not good for resin. I should have said that the first time. I haven’t used hardly any resin in my projects. I do need to collect dust because it’s making a mess.

Offline Jeffry Fontaine

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Re: Sanding Resin
« Reply #4 on: January 12, 2025, 01:44:00 PM »
Frank is spot-on about the wet sanding technique with resin bits.  It also helps to add a small amount of dish soap to the water you are using will also assist in your efforts.  By small amount I mean three to five drops for each litre/quart of water in your container.  Your splash issues during sanding will also benefit from a container with high walls. 
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