What would you like our next Group Build Topic(s) to be?
- Kitbash / Frankenstein GB.
7 (14.6%)
- Mars Attacks / Martian War GB
2 (4.2%)
- Ploughshares into swords GB
2 (4.2%)
- F-16 GB
- 0 (0%)
- Finish your oldest unfinished project GB
6 (12.5%)
- Colonial wars GB
5 (10.4%)
- French Connection GB
2 (4.2%)
- Speed GB
1 (2.1%)
- Polar or Winter War GB
6 (12.5%)
- Tropical or Jungle War GB
1 (2.1%)
- Divebomber GB
- 0 (0%)
- First Build / Project GB
1 (2.1%)
- Missed by this much GB
1 (2.1%)
- Floatplane GB
3 (6.3%)
- World without Superpowers GB
4 (8.3%)
- Commemorative schemes GB
1 (2.1%)
- Trashcanistan GB
2 (4.2%)
- End of WW2 GB
1 (2.1%)
- Vietnam War GB
3 (6.3%)
Total Members Voted: 17
Voting closed: January 07, 2025, 09:21:15 AM