Not much back story on this one, apart from a tenuous link to the Strategic Space Command universe. The basic idea has been sitting in a back corner of the idea closet for awhile-it actually springs from one of the ships in the recent
Star Wars film,
Rouge One. The boxy tandem wing transport that the rebels use in the third act of the film has always been a favorite, but I have never been one to copy when I could, ah, be inspired...

. It also helps to have a habit of picking up multiples of older kits for one set of parts, and wind up using everything but the parts you bought it for. I've picked up three of the old Frog Ju 87Gs for the 37mm Bk pods, and have yet to use a single one of them, but I've used the engines of two, the canopy of another, the tail planes someplace, and now two pairs of the wings. Had to build something to put between 'em, so here we go-
DSCF1076 by
VileDr.Yo, on Flickr
DSCF1079 by
VileDr.Yo, on Flickr
With Star Wars as inspiration, lots of extraneous and mysterious surface details-
DSCF1081 by
VileDr.Yo, on Flickr
Figuring a weapons fit held me up for a bit, but I settled on a couple of missile turrets on the top deck. (They're either that, or 'phased array lasers', a notion again from the SSC.
DSCF1084 by
VileDr.Yo, on Flickr
engine exhausts came from a couple of Kotobuiya 'option parts' sets.
DSCF1083 by
VileDr.Yo, on Flickr
more hull plating and some primer, and figuring how to mount the bridge windows-low?
DSCF1087 by
VileDr.Yo, on Flickr
or high?
DSCF1087 by
VileDr.Yo, on Flickr
I decided to go with the high...err...anyway, presto! Paint!
DSCF1089 by
VileDr.Yo, on Flickr
DSCF1092 by
VileDr.Yo, on Flickr
And deep in the star dotted dark of the outer system, the tireless vigilance of the Oort Patrol Fleet continues.
DSCF1088 by
VileDr.Yo, on Flickr