Author Topic: 1/1200 1935 US Battlecruisers design  (Read 4281 times)

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1/1200 1935 US Battlecruisers design
« on: May 27, 2023, 08:47:17 PM »
This past January I was looking at my copy of Friedman’s US Battleship book. At end of Chapter 11: Design Studies 1928-34 and I noticed this for the first time:

“As late as May 1935 some effort was being expended on lightweight battle cruisers. A sketch design for a 23,500 to 24,000 ton type with six 14in/50 and sixteen 5in/38 is dated 3 May 1935. She would have required 120,000 SHP for a speed of 30 knots on a waterline length of 650 feet. “

Of course no drawing so here is my interpretation in 1/1200. This is the first casting - The USS Bon Homme Richard. I painted her in my favorite scheme - Measure 15.

Dave G
The PT Dockyard
Dave G
The PT Dockyard

Life is too short to wait for the real designs to emerge.