A bit of history
As everybody knows, the Republique Populaire du Bobocaland is one of the most troubled African states where during the cold war all the powers of all the sizes faced each other in a behind-the-scenes war for the control of their huge raw materials resources and for the strategic geographical position in the hearth of Central Africa.
The dictator of Bobocaland is President Goloso who acts as a puppet letting each of the powers believe he's in their hands, but he only behaves in his personal interest.
President Goloso controls his power using the "regular" armed forces.
This is the official roundel of the Armée de l'Air du Bobocaland
This is the flag used by the regular Armed Forces
Goloso can rely on a wide set of armed corps, each coordinated by a relative of Goloso himself, often in conflict among them because of family blood feuds:
ATB - Armée de terre Bobocalangaise
AAB- Armée de l'air Bobocalangaise
MB - Marine du Bobocaland (The Bobocaland doesn't have any way to the sea, just big lakes and rivers)
GB - Gendarmerie du Bobocaland
PPB - Police Populaire du Bobocaland
PRB - Police Rurale du Bobocaland
You all can imagine how the situation in Bobocaland is explosive and how people are suffering from this state of things. So this gave birth to a myriad of antigovernment organizations, all armed against each other and each controlled by different foreign powers.
Here is a short list of the main antigovernment organizations seen as terrorists by the Dictator and his government. This leads to a huge expenditure in weapons leaving no resources for the health and welfare of the population.
FLPB - Front de Liberation Populaire du Bobocaland (Controlled and armed by France - former colonisers - is the shelter for many Goloso's personal enemies)
FBLP - Front Bobocalangaise de Liberation Populaire (Controlled and armed by USA to keep France influence below "dangerous" level - it's formed by Goloso's opponents who don't like French)
FPBL - Front Populair Bobocalangaise de Liberation (Founded and secretly managed by Goloso himself to keep the situation confused, to hit his enemies without legal risks and to keep high the attention level of the superpowers on the country)
FLMB - Front de Liberation Marxiste Bobcalangaise (Controlled and armed by Soviet Uniuon aiming at removing Goloso from his place to place in his place a puppet dictator controlled by them)
FMLB - Front Maoiste de Liberation Bobocalandienne (Armed and financed by PR of China against all the others to take control on the huge raw material mines)
FLPIB - Front de Liberation des Pigmèes de l'Interieur Bobcalangaise (Uncontrolled and uncontrollable pygmy warlords, taking on the interests of the ethnic minority of the central forest pygmy community. They are against everybody and anybody).