Author Topic: GLanini Profiles  (Read 239542 times)

Offline arc3371

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Re: GLanini Profiles
« Reply #75 on: December 02, 2012, 10:04:35 AM »

Offline Glanini

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Re: GLanini Profiles
« Reply #76 on: December 02, 2012, 04:14:56 PM »
..... additional airplanes from 1978


Offline Glanini

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Re: GLanini Profiles
« Reply #77 on: December 04, 2012, 02:11:36 AM »
.... other 1978 Profiles


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Re: GLanini Profiles
« Reply #78 on: December 04, 2012, 02:42:57 AM »
All hail the God of Frustration!!!

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Offline Logan Hartke

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Re: GLanini Profiles
« Reply #79 on: December 04, 2012, 06:14:40 AM »

Offline dy031101

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Re: GLanini Profiles
« Reply #80 on: December 04, 2012, 11:18:10 AM »
Actually looking through this thread, I am starting to get interested in what carriers the IJN flew those Phantoms and Hornets from......
Forget about his bow and arrows- why wait until that sparrow has done his deed when I can just bury him right now 'cause I'm sick and tired of hearing why he wants to have his way with the cock robin!?

Offline finsrin

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Re: GLanini Profiles
« Reply #81 on: December 04, 2012, 02:53:11 PM »
Like the Fitter camo  :)
Don't know about it being effective. Though looks fine here at BTS.

Offline Glanini

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Re: GLanini Profiles
« Reply #82 on: December 05, 2012, 05:27:10 AM »
....let's move to 1979


Offline GTX_Admin

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Re: GLanini Profiles
« Reply #83 on: December 05, 2012, 04:29:51 PM »
Love that F-17 and Jaguar. :)
All hail the God of Frustration!!!

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Offline Cliffy B

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Re: GLanini Profiles
« Reply #84 on: December 05, 2012, 11:28:23 PM »
The Chilean MiG and Beagle are just... :-*
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Re: GLanini Profiles
« Reply #85 on: December 06, 2012, 02:46:12 AM »
Great stuff...relly like your G91  :-*
Jeff G.

Offline Glanini

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Re: GLanini Profiles
« Reply #86 on: December 08, 2012, 12:28:25 AM »
.... other 1979 Profiles

the detail of the story can be found in the alternative history section


Offline Glanini

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Re: GLanini Profiles
« Reply #87 on: December 09, 2012, 11:42:41 PM »
Let's go with 1980

Offline Logan Hartke

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Re: GLanini Profiles
« Reply #88 on: December 10, 2012, 02:38:45 AM »
Those are all great, Glanini.  There's something about the Iraqi Jaguar that I like in particular.



Offline GTX_Admin

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Re: GLanini Profiles
« Reply #89 on: December 10, 2012, 05:35:07 AM »
So much goodness...
All hail the God of Frustration!!!

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But you can make the Bastard work for it.

Offline elmayerle

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Re: GLanini Profiles
« Reply #90 on: December 10, 2012, 06:51:23 AM »
Beautiful!!  There's no especially noticeable difference from the side, but wouldn't those Freedom Fighters more likely be F-5E's rather than F-5A's?  Though, I'll grant you, an argument could be made either way depending on how "new" they were at the moment depicted (F-5E replaced F-5A in production in the mid-1970's).

Offline GTX_Admin

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Re: GLanini Profiles
« Reply #91 on: December 10, 2012, 07:41:56 PM »
Not necessarily.  I give you this from SecretProjects:

Air Marshal Sir Frederick Scherger, RAAF chief in 1957-1961, said in an ANZUS meeting in 1958 that "We are willing to build it (Northrop F-5), we are willing to operate it, and we are very willing to supply it, if we can manufacture it, to the whole SEATO area, if they can afford to buy it and if arrangements can be made for them to get them and use them."

Minister Casey: Have you come to the end of the military?

Secretary Dulles: I thought we were approaching the end of that.

Minister Casey: I wonder if we would have Air Marshal Scherger have a word on that?

Air Marshal Sir Frederick Scherger:10 Perhaps I should stand to make myself seen and heard, sir.

One of our most pressing problems is to find airplanes with which we can replace our present operation infantry. If we want them and buy them in small numbers, we buy them from the manufacturing country, as we have with transports. We have bought the C–130, as with maritime antisubmarine we have bought the P2V5, and I hope we will have some P2V7. But our real difficulty is with the airplane which is now designed as the technical [tactical?] fighter. The Tactical Air Command here use extremely big airplanes; they are complex, they are sophisticated, and they are tremendously expensive both in cost and in the ground environment you need from which to operate them effectively. Both the airfield’s length and the strength of the airfield is such that in the Southeast Asian theater there are about five airfields from which they can operate. And if you add Admiral Felt’s four carriers, that makes nine. But it still leaves the opponent with a fairly easy problem, and we have been desperately seeking a small, versatile airplane which can range over the whole area and which can operate from the thousand and one 6000-foot strips left over from the last war and which still are there and from which commercial airplanes are still operating.

We believe we have found the airplane in a project which has been raised and was having a little difficulty here, the Northrop–156, which is a development of the T–38 supersonic trainer. It is a light airplane and can have a lot of sophistication in it, but we don’t want a lot of sophistication. We want it in a fairly cheap and uncomplicated form. It is the kind of thing we can build and build relatively cheaply, and it is the kind of airplane which could be used right throughout that area, where we ourselves are perhaps the most capable in the use of modern equipment. But we know that the Filipinos and Thais and the Pakistanis are having more than a little trouble in operating the F–86’s. They can fly them all right, but even they require a fairly good airfield, and their ferry range isn’t all that much. We want an airplane that can go across Australia and from the top end of Australia, across the Philippines, up to Singapore.

I found the philosophy in airplanes here is to build a single-seater airplane which costs over two million dollars a copy, which demands, if you are going to make it mobile, in-air refueling capabilities, which we can’t afford, and which requires an eight-to-eleven thousand foot runway. That kind of airplane is beyond our capabilities.

We find ourselves approaching now the time when it looks as though we are going to be priced out of being able to buy airplanes with which we can suitably arm ourselves. It is a fairly disturbing proposition, sir. And it is one which I thought perhaps, and Mr. Casey agreed, should be aired here, because it is the kind of military problem which I believe ANZUS could solve and I believe should solve. We are willing to build it, we are willing to operate it, and we are very willing to supply it, if we can manufacture it, to the whole SEATO area, if they can afford to buy it and if arrangements can be made for them to get them and use them. That is our problem, sir: How to get the airplane and where to get it—where to get it, rather than how to get it. Europe has nothing. The small NATO fighter which has been proposed to me, the F–91, is just like the Australian boomerang. It is never out of sight. It won’t go far enough. You have these F–105 airplanes, which are over $2,000,000 a copy. Even if we could afford them or build them in sufficient numbers, we couldn’t afford to operate them.

The same applies to the naval tactical fighter, the thing that carries ordinary, or shall I call them conventional bombs. I don’t know why these airplanes are so complex and so sophisticated unless perhaps it is that they are all designed around a nuclear capacity, which of course we don’t possess. We have to base whatever we have on a conventional capacity. I think that is it.

Secretary Dulles: Do you want a reply?

Mr. Irwin: Marshal Scherger brings up a very difficult type of air operation which has been under consideration by the Pentagon for some time in connection with the Northrop F–156 aircraft. I am not completely up to date as to what the current status of the studies are on it, Air Marshal. We had thought of it at one time in connection with NATO and the European countries as well as in the Far East and the Pacific. From the point of view of assisting and financing the manufacture and sale of the planes, the question really revolved around finding a market for it after you had gone all through the expense of development and production in large enough quantities to justify the expense. It was thought at one time that Germany might be interested in the N–156, and possibly Japan. Japan has decided against it and went to Grumman, I believe. Germany also appeared to have rejected it, although I am not sure whether that is completely final or not. So the problem is, if it were available, it is still on the drafting board or has not even been produced in prototype. The question really is, by the time you produce it, is it an adequate airplane for the period of 1961–1962, the period that it is coming in? There is question about it in Europe, and I think there is also considerable question, at least as far as Japan and that part of the Far East area goes. There is undoubtedly a need for a less-sophisticated aircraft that can meet the problem. Of course, you run into the question, then, as to the control of the air. It would be useless in an area when you are facing a MIG–17 or MIG–19, although obviously you aren’t going to have a big MIG–17 or MIG–19 everywhere you are going to need another airplane. It poses a great problem of financing as well as the tactical application of it. I think the Air Marshal is coming over to the Pentagon tomorrow, I understand.

Air Marshal Sir Fredrick Scherger: That is right; yes.

Ambassador Beale: Mr. Secretary, could I supplement what Air Marshal Scherger said. This is quite a serious problem for Australia. We have got a first-class aircraft industry in the country. We have a profound political and military necessity for maintaining that aircraft industry in Australia. It is in danger of languishing because we just haven’t got aircraft to make and we can’t plan ahead. A year or two ago we made a decision to buy and probably also to build to sell the F–104, but when a mission came over here,11 we were, I think, very rightly told, “Don’t be silly. Don’t build that one. It is far too sophisticated for you. If that type of aircraft has to be used in a war which you are planning to participate in, we in the United States will be there with that aircraft.” And quite rightly we would have made a great mistake to build the F–104. And we were also told at the same time, ”Why not have a look at the Northrop and one or two others?” This was on the technical level.

The minister in charge of aircraft at the time we were agonizing over this agreed. Now we are told by our air force advisers that this is the type of plane which will suit Australia’s needs. It is not yet, as you say, Mr. Irwin, quite off the drawing board. I think something like one dozen prototypes ought to be made and flown and tested before anybody can say for sure that it is the aircraft. Now what I think the Air Marshal has said is, will the United States give some consideration to making the funds available to take that airplane up to that stage, because if it proves itself I think it is pretty likely, I think it is certain that the Air Force would be advising the Australian Cabinet that “This is the airplane we want and this is the airplane we should build in Australia.” I think New Zealand might become interested in the same sort of aircraft, because it has a characteristic to suit our particular needs. And if we can’t get that one or something very like it, we just have nowhere else to turn for another one to build. We were told to build the Sabres for another year or two or three more. But in the meantime we have a real fight, we have a real professional difficulty in making up our mind as to what type of aircraft it should be.

Mr. Irwin: We have maintained at least to date going ahead on the N–156, trying to resolve this question or problem, but in large measure, it comes down to the financial problem with us, because it is financed by military assistance funds. The question is whether or not if you finance it through the ultimate to have enough prototypes to decide whether it is worth going ahead, are you going to have enough customers to justify the research and development and production of it when you have diminishing military assistance side to keep it up. [sic] They cut the program three hundred million dollars this past year, and we anticipate this next year it will be more difficult.

We have a great many calls on the program throughout the world. We are going to have the situation with Taiwan, and Taiwan has eaten into the program a great deal more than the normal expectancy would have been if there had not been the Taiwan crisis, because equipment had to go to the Chinese Nationalists because of the ammunition situation, etc. So you have a choice of not only do you have a question as to the people that actually would buy this airplane in the time frame of the early 1960’s but you have also the question of priority of the use of the military assistance funds over these few years until there would be production. So it presents a grave complication that the enthusiasm for the airplane itself has to date not been sufficient to justify final decision to go ahead with it.

Minister Casey: So far as the United States is concerned.

Mr. Irwin: The most likely customers had seemed to be Japan and Germany.

Minister Casey: If these aircraft were brought to the prototype stage, isn’t it likely that you would have potential customers in the Asian-SEATO partners in the smaller countries, and it would suit Australia and New Zealand, and there would be more generalized use than your highly-specialized aircraft now.

Mr. Irwin: That seems to be a possibility.

Minister Casey: I think the Air Marshal is seeing Mr. Quarles and Mr. Douglas tomorrow.

Mr. Irwin: I would suggest he also speak to our MAP people.

Minister Casey: I think that is worth raising.

Secretary Dulles: Yes.

[Here follows discussion of unrelated subjects.]
All hail the God of Frustration!!!

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Offline Glanini

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Re: GLanini Profiles
« Reply #92 on: December 16, 2012, 05:46:30 PM »

Offline GTX_Admin

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Re: GLanini Profiles
« Reply #93 on: December 17, 2012, 01:16:07 AM »
Another great batch.
All hail the God of Frustration!!!

You can't outrun Death forever.
But you can make the Bastard work for it.

Re: GLanini Profiles
« Reply #94 on: December 17, 2012, 06:59:06 AM »
The Hawk and Pegasus rock!  :icon_music:

Offline apophenia

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Re: GLanini Profiles
« Reply #95 on: December 17, 2012, 08:28:34 AM »
Yes, that USAF Hawk is especially sharp!
"Report back to me when, uh ... I don't know ... when it makes sense."

Offline JP Vieira

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Re: GLanini Profiles
« Reply #96 on: December 18, 2012, 03:17:48 AM »
The Portuguese F-5 is great; and almost a non what-if... ;)

Offline Glanini

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Re: GLanini Profiles
« Reply #97 on: December 22, 2012, 07:51:40 PM »
Trying to make the link easier between Story and Profiles



March 26, 1982 : News -A ground-breaking ceremony for the Vietnam Veterans Memorial is finally held in Washington, DC.

May 8, 1982 : News –Ferrari’s French-Canadian racing driver Gilles Villeneuve survives a major crash  during qualifying for the Belgian Grand Prix but he would skip the next two races.

June 13-July 11, 1982: News - 1982 FIFA World Cup is played in Spain and won by Italy who beats West Germany in the final 3-1.

September 25, 1982: News -   In Las Vegas, Gilles Villeneuve in Ferrari wins the Formula 1 World Championship and announces his retirement from racing.

November 3, 1982: News - The severe early 1980s recession ends. The Dow Jones Industrial Average surges 43.41 points, or 4.25%, to close at 1,065.49, its first all-time high in more than 9 years. It last hit a record on January 11, 1973 when the average closed at 1,051.70. The points gain is the biggest ever up to this point.

November 30, 1982: News – Singer Michael Jackson releases “Thriller”, the biggest-selling album of all time in the Uited States.

December 26, 1982 : News -  Time Magazine's Man of the Year is given for the first time to a non-human, the computer.

Central Front/Europe

January 28, 1982: Central Front/Europe- A team of NOCS (a special operations unit of the Italian police) successfully carry out the rescue of James Dozier from an apartment in Padua, without firing a shot, capturing the entire terrorist cell.

February 10, 1982: Central Front/Europe- Australia, Canada, Italy, Netherlands, Greece and Norway sign a contract with the United States Government for the acquisition of the Northrop F20 Tigershark with the aircraft to be built also in Canada by Canadair.

April 10, 1982: Central Front/Europe- Leonid Brezhnev,  Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, dies after a long illness.

May 23, 1982: Central Front/Europe- KGB head Yuri Andropov is appointed to the Secretariat of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.

May 30, 1982: Central Front/Europe- Spain becomes the 16th member of NATO and the 1st nation to enter the alliance since West Germany's admission in 1955.

June 4, 1982: Central Front/Europe- Yuri Andropov gives the go-ahead to a secret plan to detonate a tactical nuclear bomb close to Bayswater RAF base to show that NATO has not followed the agreement on Nuclear Weapons Ban at the same time create havoc and riots in the UK. The codename of the operation is “Protocol 4”.

June 8, 1982: Central Front/Europe- Soviet spy Kim Philby, a former MI-5 defected agent dies in a car crash in Moscow, actually it was a KGB homicide in order to avoid any conscience crisis on the mission “Protocol 4”.

September 1, 1982: Central Front/Europe- At a Politburo Meeting Yuri Andropov, shows KGB reports describing that USRR economy is coming to pieces and that the only way to make it survive is to take over the whole Germany. “He also states that he needs to involve more the Warpact countries.  Moscow had built up a military that consumed as much as 25 percent of the Soviet Union's gross national product at the expense of consumer goods and investment in civilian sectors. Soviet spending on the arms race and other Central Front/Europe commitments both caused and exacerbated deep-seated structural problems in the Soviet system, which saw at least a decade of economic stagnation during the late Leonid Brezhnev years. Soviet investment in the defense sector was not driven by military necessity, but in large part by the interests of massive party and state bureaucracies dependent on the sector for their own power and privileges. The Soviet Armed Forces became the largest in the world in terms of the numbers and types of weapons they possessed, in the number of troops in their ranks, and in the sheer size of their military–industrial base. However, the quantitative advantages held by the Soviet military often concealed areas where the Eastern Bloc dramatically lagged behind the West. Furthermore After Reagan's military buildup, the Soviet Union did not respond by further building its military because the enormous military expenses, along with inefficient planned manufacturing and collectivized agriculture, were already a heavy burden for the Soviet economy.  At the same time, Reagan persuaded Saudi Arabia to increase oil production, even as other non-OPEC nations were increasing production. These developments contributed to the 1980s oil glut, which affected the Soviet Union, as oil was the main source of Soviet export revenues. Issues with command economics,  oil prices decreases and large military expenditures gradually brought the Soviet economy to stagnation.”.

September 15, 1982: Central Front/Europe-  At a Warsaw Pact meeting, Andropov illustrate the plan for the attack on West Germany and the details of all Warsaw Pact Nations involvement adding that major arms supply will be provided to them. When the offensive will start terrorists acts against NATO headquarters will be performed by Red Brigades and RAF in Italy and FDR respectively with support of STASI and KGB agents already part of “Sleeper Cells” in those countries. He adds that to increase pressure in the US and drain resource from Central Europe all proxy wars (Central America, Southern Africa, Northern Africa) shall continue and countries like Nicaragua, El Salvador, Angola and Libya will be supplied with new military equipment and instructors.

October 1, 1982: Central Front/Europe- Helmut Kohl of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) replaces the Social Democrat Helmut Schmidt as Chancellor of Germany through a Constructive Vote of No Confidence.

October 8, 1982 : Central Front/Europe- In Poland, the Communist Government bans Solidarity after having suspended it on 13 December 1981.

November 1, 1982: Central Front/Europe-The final details for the attack in West Germany are defined; the date of the attack is an important date for the Communist regime May 1st 1983, that is also a holiday in almost all Western Europe.

November 13, 1982: Central Front/Europe- The first United States cruise missiles arrive at Greenham Common Airbase in England amid protests from peace campaigners.

November 14, 1982: Central Front/Europe- The leader of Poland's outlawed Solidarity movement, Lech Wałęsa, is released from 11 months of internment near the Soviet border.

December 12, 1982: Central Front/Europe- Women's peace protest at Greenham Common: 30,000 women hold hands and form a human chain around the 14.5 km (9 mi) perimeter fence.

December 15, 1982: Central Front/Europe- British Mi-5 seize three KGB agents in an house 5 miles outside of Bayswater RAF base, material for a Nuclear bomb was found there.

December 22, 1982: Central Front/Europe- English newspaper “The Independent” publish the story of the Soviet “Protocol 4” mission.

Middle East

January 30, 1982: Middle East- US Secretary of State, Alexander Haig files a report with US President Ronald Reagan  reveales Secretary Haig's fear that Israel might, at the slightest provocation, start a war against Lebanon.

April 21, 1982: Middle East- After a landmine kills an Israeli officer while he was visiting a South Lebanese Army gun emplacement in Taibe, Lebanon, the Israeli Air Force attacks the Palestinian-controlled coastal town of Damour, killing 23 people.

April 25, 1982: Middle East- Israel completes its withdrawal from the Sinai Peninsula in accordance with the Egyptian–Israeli Peace Treaty.

May 9, 1982: Middle East-Israeli aircraft again attack targets in Lebanon. Later that same day, UNIFIL observes the firing of rockets from Palestinian positions in the Tyre region into northern Israel, but none of the projectiles hit an Israeli settlement.

June 6, 1982: Middle East- Israel’s ambassador to the United Kingdom, Shlomo Argov is shot and seriously wounded in London by terrorists belonging to the Iraqi-backed Abu Nidal terrorist organization. The organization is the longtime rival of PLO.  The PLO denies complicity in the attack, but Israel retaliates with punishing air and artillery strikes against Palestinian targets in Lebanon, including the PLO camps. Sabra and Shatila refugee camps are bombed for four hours. The PLO hit back firing rockets at northern Israel causing considerable damage and some loss of life.

June 6, 1982: Middle East-  The 1982 Lebanon War begins: Forces under Israeli Defense Minister Ariel Sharon invade southern Lebanon in their "Operation Peace for the Galilee," Israel's publicly stated objective was to push PLO forces back 40 kilometres (25 mi) to the north. Israeli forces pushes in from Southern Lebanon in a three-pronged offensive.

June 6, 1982: Middle East- The United Nations Security Council votes to demand that Israel withdraw its troops from Lebanon.

June 9, 1982 : Middle East- With the advance of IDF forces north, the IDF/AF could no longer ignore the massive array of SAM and AAA systems the Syrians deployed in Lebanon’s Bekaa Valley a year earlier. The IDF/AF set out to destroy the ninenteen SAM batteries and their support network in a major operation consisting of several waves, each made up of dozens of attack aircraft employing a variety of guided and un-guided air-to-ground ammunition, backed by some ground launched Shrike anti-radar missiles, as well as a massive screen of ECM and decoys. More than sixty Syrian interceptors (all different versions of MiG-21 and -23s) – which was slightly more than the Israelis expected – are scrambled to defend the air defense network, clashing with dozens of Israeli fighters to produce what could very well be the biggest jet dogfight in history. The SyAAF suffers considerable losses (estimated attwenyfive aircraft) at the hands of IDF/AF F-15s and F-16s, tasked exclusively with air-to-air missions.

June 10-11, 1982 : Middle East- More clashes follows when the SyAAF not only attempts to challenge the Israeli control of the skies over Lebanon, but also to strike advancing Israeli units on the ground. IDF/AF ends the days  with more than eighty victories

June 11, 1982: Middle East- Israel and Syrian Governments agree on a ceasefire to start at noon that would not apply to PLO, before it a final air battle would cost Syrian Air Force further eighteen aircraft.

June 13, 1982: Middle East-The ring around Beirut is closed, seven days after the start of Israeli invasion to Lebanon. PLO and part of Syrian forces are isolated in the city.

July 1, 1982 : Middle East-Full scale siege of Beirut start by Israeli forces where 14’000 PLO and 2’000 Mourabitim militiamen are well dug.

July 14- 16, 1982 : Middle East- Ariel Sharon and chief of staff Rafael Eitan obtains Prime Minister Begin's support for large scale operation for conquering of West Beirut in order to achieve the eviction of PLO. But the plan is rejected two days later by full Israeli cabinet, out of concern for heavy loss of life.

August 1, 1982: Middle East- Beirut International Airport is take, after fierce fightings, by the Golani Brigade of the IDF.

August 4, 1982: Middle East- The United Nations Security Council votes to censure Israel because its troops are still in Lebanon, meanwhile IDF make its drive into the city of Beirut cutting off PLO camps from PLO Headquarters.

August 10, 1982: Middle East- As American envoy Philip Habib submitts a draft agreement to Israel, defense minister Sharon, probably impatient with what he regarded American meddling, orders a saturation bombing of Beirut, during which at least three hundred people die. That bombing is followed by the protest to the Israeli government by President Ronald Reagan.

August 14, 1982: Middle East- the Israeli cabinet strip Ariel Sharon of most of his powers, he is not allowed to order the use of air force, armored force and artillery without agreement of cabinet or prime-minister.

August 18, 1982 : Middle East- Israel, Lebanon, and the PLO finally agree, with US mediation, on a peace deal.

August 20, 1982: Middle East- Lebanese Civil War: A multinational force lands in Beirut to oversee the PLO withdrawal from Lebanon. 350 French paratroopers arrive in Beirut, followed by 800 US Marines and Italian Bersaglieri plus additional international peacekeepers (for a total force of 2,130) to supervise the removal of the PLO, first by ship and then overland, to Tunisia, Yemen, Jordan, and Syria. Altogether 8500 PLO men are evacuated to Tunisia, and 2500 by land to other Arab countries.

September 14, 1982: Middle East- Lebanese President-elect Bachir Gemayel is assassinated in Beirut as a bomb was detonated at the Phalangists headquarters.

September 18, 1982: Middle East- The Lebanese Christian Militia (the Phalange) kill thousands of Palestinians in the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps with the overlooking of Israeli troops in West Beirut. The massacre is in retaliation for the assassination of pro-Israel president-elect, Bachir Gemayel, as well as several Palestinian massacres against Lebanese Christians.

September 23, 1982: Middle East- Amin Gemayel, brother of Bachir, is elected president of Lebanon.

September 25, 1982: Middle East-  In Israel, 400,000 marchers demand the resignation of Prime Minister Menachem Begin.

November 11, 1982: Middle East- Suicide attack on the IDF headquarters in Tyre. 76 Israeli soldiers and 27 Lebanese are killed in the blast.

Central America

January 4, 1982: Central America- After Reagan has signed the top secret National Security Decision Directive 17 (NSDD-17), CIA proceeds and provides support the contras with $19 million in military aid. The effort to support the contras is one component of the Reagan Doctrine, which calls for providing military support to movements opposing Soviet-supported, communist governments.

March 3, 1982: Central America- Communist rebels with Nicaraguan Aides takes control of Santa Ana region in northern El Salvador

April, 1982: Central America-  Edén Pastora (Comandante Cero), one of the heroes in the fight against Somoza, organizes the Sandinista Revolutionary Front (FRS) – embedded in the Democratic Revolutionary Alliance (ARDE) – and declares war on the Sandinista government. Himself a former Sandinista who has held several high posts in the government, he has resigned apruptly in 1981 and defected, believing that the newly found power have corrupted the Sandinista's original ideas

May-August, 1982: Central America- Mexico starts receiving MiG23 and T72 Tank that are deployed in the northern area of Mexico, close to the US border. This move forces the United States to re-deploy two Army Corps from Italy to Texas.

June 7, 1982: Central America- FLMN enters in San Salvador while El Salvador president Napoleon Duarte flees in Honduras.

July 22, 1982: Central America- In Guatemala General Efraín Ríos Montt is named President of the military junta, continuing the bloody campaign of torture, forced disappearances, and "scorched earth" warfare.

August, 1982: Central America- United States hold a joint exercise with the Hondurans, “Big Pine” , in the meantime, they continued to develop
facilities in Honduras, including a radar complex outside Tegucigalpa, and another – manned by US Marines – on Tiger Island, in the Gulf of Fonseca.

September, 8 1982: Central America-  ARDE (The contras Air Arm)  executes it best-known operation, two T-28s approach Managua flying at a very low level. The first drops a bomb near the home of Foreign Minister,  the second Trojan attack Managua’s Augusto César Sandino Airport. The Nicaraguan soldiers open fire with AAA and personal weapons, hitting the plane as it was underway along the runway: the T-28 burst into flames and smash into the airport control tower, killing the crew of two. Documents found in the wreckage attest that the aircraft took off from Tobías Bolanos airfield, near Costa Rican capital of San José.

September 23, 1982: Central America-  3.200 US troops are airlifted to Honduras in Lockheed C-141 StarLifter, C-5A Galaxy and C-130 Hercules transports

October-December, 1982: Central America- Honduras receives military equipment from the US, among them a Squadron of F20 Tigershark, manned by USAF pilots of Honduran ancestry and supported by USAF specialists.

December, 1982: Central America- In Guatemala the four guerrilla groups, EGP, ORPA, FAR and PGT, merge and forme the URNG, influenced by the Salvadoran guerrilla FMLN, the Nicaraguan FSLN and Cuba's government, in order to become stronger. As a result of the Army's "scorched earth" tactics in the countryside, more than 45,000 Guatemalans flew across the border to Mexico. The Mexican government placed the refugees in camps in Chiapas and Tabasco and secretly starts training them for insurrection.

Offline Glanini

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Re: GLanini Profiles
« Reply #98 on: December 23, 2012, 06:10:25 PM »
South America

January 16, 1982: South America– Falklands War- An Intelligence report signal to the British Government the willingness of Argentina to take actions against the Falklands Islands. As a consequence it is ordered to accelerate the activities on HMS Ark Royal that is currently scheduled to entry into service in October 1982.

February 28, 1982: South America– Falklands War- Fuerza Aerea Argentina receives sixteen Dassault Mirage F1 from Israel.

March , 1982: South America –  Falklands War- A ship of the Argentine navy, ARA Francisco de Gurruchaga, anchored at the Deceit island, de facto under Chilean sovereignty since 1881, and refused to abandon the bay despite Chilean demands

March 18, 1982: South America –  Falklands War- An Argentine scrap metal dealer raises the Argentine flag in South Georgia.

April 2, 1982 : South America – Falklands War- The Falklands War begins: Argentina invades and occupies the Falkland Islands. Argentine forces mount amphibious landings of the Falkland Islands, before the Falklands War began. The invasion meet a nominal defence organised by the Falkland Islands' Governor Sir Rex Hunt, giving command to Major Mike Norman of the Royal Marines.

April 3, 1982: South America –  Falklands War- Argentina's Invasion of South Georgia. Argentine naval forces seize control of the east coast of South Georgia after overpowering a small group of Royal Marines at Grytviken.

April 6, 1982: South America –  Falklands War-  The British Government set up a War Cabinet to provide day-to-day political oversight of the campaign. This is the critical instrument of crisis management for the British with its remit being to "keep under review political and military developments relating to the South Atlantic, and to report as necessary to the Defence and Overseas Policy Committee."

April 8, 1982: South America –  Falklands War-  Argentina refuses  U.S. peace overtures, U.S. Secretary of State Alexander Haig announced that the United States would prohibit arms sales to Argentina and provide material support for British operations. Both Houses of the U.S. Congress pass resolutions supporting the U.S. action siding with the United Kingdom. The U.S. provided the United Kingdom with military equipment ranging from submarine detectors to the latest missiles. France provides dissimilar aircraft training so Harrier pilots could train against the French aircraft used by Argentina. French and British intelligence also worked to prevent Argentina from obtaining more Exocet missiles on the international market.

April 13, 1982: South America –  Falklands War- British Government struck a secret deal with Chile to have access to air base and airspace for secret recce missions over Argentina. Chile accepts in change for spares and upgrades on Hunters and Canberras support that were under UN embargo and would provide also technical information on the Soviet equipment previously acquired by the Allende’s Government.

April 16, 1982: South America –  Falklands War- Peru openly sends "Mirages, pilots and missiles" to Argentina during the war. Through Libya, under Muammar Gaddafi, Argentina received twenty launchers and sixty SA-7 missiles, as well as machine guns, mortars and mines, all in all, the load of four trips of two Boeing 707 of the AAF, refuelled in Recife with the knowledge and consent of the Brazilian government.

April 21, 1982: South America –  Falklands War- British retake South Georgia during Operation Paraquet. The first landings of SAS troops took place on 21 April.

April 25, 1982: South America –  Falklands War- After resupplying the Argentine garrison in South Georgia, the submarine ARA Santa Fe is spotted on the surface by a Westland Wessex HAS Mk 3 helicopter from HMS Antrim, which attacks the Argentine submarine with depth charges. HMS Plymouth launches a Westland Wasp HAS.Mk.1 helicopter, and HMS Brilliant launches a Westland Lynx HAS Mk 2. Santa Fe is damaged badly enough to prevent her from diving. The crew abandon the submarine at the jetty at King Edward Point on South Georgia. With the Tidespring now far out to sea and the Argentine forces augmented by the submarine's crew, Major Sheridan decide to gather the seventysix men he has and make a direct assault that day. After a short forced march by the British troops and a naval bombardment demonstration by two Royal Navy vessels (Antrim and Plymouth), the Argentine forces surrender without resistance.

April 28, 1982: South America –  Falklands War- Royal Navy deploys HMS Ark Royal on its first operative mission, after overhaul, to the Falklands.

May 2, 1982 : South America – Falklands War- Royal Air Force operations on the Falklands open with the "Black Buck 1" attack (of a series of five) on the airfield at Stanley. A BAC TSR.2 Storm bomber from Ascension fly on an 8,000-nautical-mile (15,000 km; 9,200 mi) round trip dropping conventional bombs across the runway at Stanley and back to Ascension. The mission requires repeated refuelling, and several Victor tanker aircraft operating in concert, including tanker to tanker refuelling

May 2, 1982 : South America – Falklands War- The first naval loss is the World War II-vintage Argentine light cruiser ARA General Belgrano. The nuclear-powered submarine HMS Conqueror sink the Belgrano. Three hundred and twenty-three members of Belgrano's crew die in the incident. Over seven hundred men are rescued from the open ocean despite cold seas and stormy weather.

May 4, 1982: South America –  Falklands War- HMS Sheffield is hit by an Exocet missile strike from the Argentine 2nd Naval Air Fighter/Attack Squadron, and burns out of control; twenty sailors are killed. The ship sinks on May 10. 

May 14, 1982: South America –  Falklands War- The SAS carry out the raid on Pebble Island at the Falklands, where the Argentine Navy has taken over a grass airstrip for MB339K Veltros and Aeritalia G91  light ground attack aircraft and T-34 Mentors. The raid destroy the aircraft there.

May 21, 1982 : South America – Falklands War- British landings spark the Battle of San Carlos. The amphibious landing on beaches around San Carlos Water, on the northwestern coast of East Falkland facing onto Falkland Sound. The bay, known as Bomb Alley by British forces, is the scene of repeated air attacks by low-flying Argentine jets.

May 22, 1982 : South America – Falklands War- HMS Ardent is sunk by Argentine aircraft, killing twentytwo sailors.

May 25, 1982: South America –  Falklands War- British ships HMS Coventry and Atlantic Conveyor are sunk during the Falklands War. The loss of all but one of the Chinook helicopters being carried by the Atlantic Conveyor is a severe blow from a logistics perspective.

May 27-28, 1982: South America –  Falklands War- From early on 27 May until 28 May 2 Para, (approximately 500 men) with artillery support from 8 (Alma) Commando Battery, Royal Artillery, approaches and attacks Darwin and Goose Green, which is held by the Argentine 12th Infantry Regiment. After a tough struggle that last all night and into the next day, the British win the battle; in all, seventeen British and fortyseven Argentine soldiers are killed. In total almost one thousand Argentine troops (including two hundred Argentine Air Force personnel of the Condor airfield) are taken prisoners.

June 1, 1982 : South America – Falklands War- with the arrival of a further 5,000 British troops of the 5th Infantry Brigade, the new British divisional commander, Major General Jeremy Moore RM, has sufficient force to start planning an offensive against Stanley.

June 8, 1982 : South America – Falklands War- British RFA Sir Galahad is destroyed during the Bluff Cove Air Attacks by three Sepecat Jaguar from Argentine Air Force.

June 11, 1982 : South America – Falklands War- After several days of painstaking reconnaissance and logistic build-up, British forces launch a brigade-sized night attack against the heavily defended ring of high ground surrounding Stanley. Units of 3 Commando Brigade, supported by naval gunfire from several Royal Navy ships, simultaneously assault in the Battle of Mount Harriet, Battle of Two Sisters, and Battle of Mount Longdon.

June 13, 1982 : South America – Falklands War- The night of 13 June see the start of the second phase of attacks, in which the momentum of the initial assault is maintained. 2 Para with CVRT support from The Blues and Royals, capture Wireless Ridge at the Battle of Wireless Ridge, at a loss of three British and twentyfive Argentine dead, and the 2nd battalion, Scots Guards captured Mount Tumbledown at the Battle of Mount Tumbledown, which cost ten British and thirty Argentine lives. With the last natural defence line at Mount Tumbledown breached, the Argentine town defences of Stanley begin to falter.

June 14, 1982 : South America – Falklands War- The Falklands War ends: Formal surrender of Argentine forces.  A cease fire is declared and the commander of the Argentine garrison in Stanley, Brigade General Mario Menéndez surrender to Major General Jeremy Moore the same day.

June 18, 1982 : South America – Falklands War- Argentine military dictator Leopoldo Galtieri resigns, in the wake of his country's defeat in the Falklands War.

June 20, 1982 : South America – Falklands War- The British retake the South Sandwich Islands, (which involve accepting the surrender of the Southern Thule Garrison at the Corbeta Uruguay base) and declare hostilities to be over. Argentina had established Corbeta Uruguay in 1976, but prior to 1982 the United Kingdom has contested the existence of the Argentine base only through diplomatic channels.

July 21, 1982: South America-HMS Hermes, the Royal Navy flagship during the Falklands War, returns home to Portsmouth to a hero's welcome.

Southern Africa

January-April, 1982: Southern Africa-  SAAF participate in operations by UNITA, which gains more and more control of south-eastern Angola. The attacks by far exceed the previous hit and -run operations and are aimed primarily at the Benguela Railway.

March 1982: Southern Africa- South African aircraft maker Atlas, starts building the Cheetah, a slightly modified version of the IAI Kfir, with Israeli support.

June-September, 1982: Southern Africa-  Cubans get Increasingly involved in the fighting, either because they had garrisons in the embattled area or because they come to the rescue of FAPLA units under attack. The UNITA insurgency and South African attacks have a crippling effect on the Angolan economy, especially agriculture and infrastructure, and the hostilities create hundreds of thousands of refugees.


January-February, 1982: Afghanistan-Urban fightings in Herat and Kandahar.

May, 1982: Afghanistan- Panjseher V- The first major offensive is carried out by a force of 12,000 soldiers supported by more than one hunderd helicopters and twentysix airplanes. The main assault begin on the night of May 16. While motorized rifle battalions, preceded by reconnaissance units, attack the dominating features at the entrance of the valley, airborne units are airlifted by helicopter behind the main Mujahideen defenses. In all, 4,200 troops are airlifted into the valley to capture strategic points, right up to the Pakistani border, in an effort to cut the Mujahideen supply lines.

June, 1982: Afghanistan- Panjseher V- Massoud, who expected an attack similar to the previous ones, has disposed his defenses close to the entrance of the valley, and is thus unable to prevent the Soviets from gaining footholds in the Panjshir. They establish three main bases at Rukha, Bazarak and Anava. Most of the Mujahideen have survived the attack and Massoud divides them into small, mobile groups that fight the Soviets all down the valley.

July, 1982: Afghanistan- Panjseher V- During this offensive, the Soviets manage to occupy a large part of the Panjshir and scored some successes however, most of the rebels have escaped capture, and this was not the decisive victory the Soviets have been hoping for. Also, their heavily fortified bases only give them control over the valley floor, while the surrounding heights are still held by the Mujahideen. For this reason they decide to launch a sixth offensive.

August, 1982: Afghanistan- Panjseher VI- The sixth offensive consists of a series of sweeps conducted by motorised units and by airborne Spetsnaz units, launched from their bases in the Panjshir, to find and destroy the Mujahideen hideouts. It is accompanied by a heavy aerial bombardment of villages suspected of harbouring rebel groups, notably carried out by Tu-16 bombers flying from inside the Soviet Union. Heliborne troops carry out search and destroy missions, encircling Massoud's mobile units and destroying some of them. However, as a rule attrition among the Mujahideen is low, and the brunt of the attacks fell on the civilian population, who suffers heavily, many of them preferring to flee the valley.

September, 1982: Afghanistan- Panjseher VI- Once the height of the offensive has passed, many areas captured by the Soviet forces are handed over to Afghan army units, who suffer from low morale and high desertion rates. They are the targets for Massoud's counterattacks.

October, 1982: Afghanistan- Panjseher VI- In a series of surprise attacks, several government outposts fall to the rebels. The government post at Birjaman fall soon after, and the Mujahideen are able to recapture some areas in this way. These operations, along with the continued harassment of Soviet garrisons and resupply convoys, prove that the Mujahideen are far from defeated, and convince the Soviets that they must negotiate a truce with Massoud. Despite bitter fighting, the Soviets are unable to eradicate the Mujahideen, and the battle soon develop into a stalemate. During the 5th and 6th offensives the Soviets suffer up to 3,000 casualties, and 1,000 Afghan Army soldiers defect to the Mujahideen


March, 1982  : Iran-Iraq- Iran take the offensive and the Iraqi military is forced to retreat.

May 18, 1982: Iran-Iraq- Iranian Army finalizes the  Liberation of Khorramshahr from the Iraqis. The Iranians attack, with some seventy thousand fighters in the Ahvaz-Susangerd area. The Iraqi forces in the area withdrew, and planned to mount a defence at Khorramshahr.

May 20, 1982: Iran-Iraq- The Iraqis launch a counter-offensive. However, despite its scale, the Iranians are able to repulse the attack.

May 22, 1982: Iran-Iraq- The Iranians Liberated Khorramshahr; the vitally strategically important Iranian city whose capture by Iraq have been the low-point of Iranian fortunes in the early days of the war. The Iraqis are ordered to retreat, although many have done when Khorramshar has fallen, back into Iraq. The Iranians capture 12,000 Iraqi troops and a substantial amount of Iraqi military hardware.

June, 1982: Iran-Iraq- an Iranian counter-offensive has recovered the areas lost to Iraq earlier in the war.

June 20-21, 1982: Iran-Iraq- Saddam announces that he was prepared to accept a ceasefire on the basis of the pre-war status quo, the day after Khomeini rejected the Iraqi peace offer in a speech and proclaimed that Iran would invade Iraq and would not stop until the Ba'ath regime is replaced by an Islamic Shia republic.

July 13, 1982: Iran-Iraq- Iranian units crossed the border in force, aiming towards the city of Basra, the second most important city in Iraq. However, the enemy they encounter have entrenched itself in formidable defenses.

October 1, 1982: Iran-Iraq- Iran launches the The Muslim-ibn-aqil offensive, with small IRGC units in high spirits attacking Iraqi positions high on the hills, followed by mechanised Army units in the morning. Due to  a lack of co-ordination between the IRIAS and the IRGC units and so the battle soon developed into a bloody struggle for every hill.

October 7, 1982 : Iran-Iraq- the Iranians have lost their positions overlooking Mandali; but, they hold off the other Iraqi counterattacks and also claim seven Iraqi fighter-bombers as shot down, in addition liberating 150km2 of their own soil.

November 2, 1982 : Iran-Iraq- Iran launches the The MOHARRAM offensive. By the dawn of 2 November, the IrAF, the IrAAC, the IRIAF and the IRIAA has thrown everything they have into the battle, with the Iraqis trying to block a further Iranian advance towards the west, and the Iranians trying to suppress Iraqi armour, which is constantly inflicting losses on their infantry. The IRIAF Tomcats intercept numerous Iraqi formations, claiming seven MiGs, Sukhois, and helicopters as shot down. The Iraqis have fiercely denied suffering such losses, but in event the IRIAF establishes local air superiority, enabling TFB.3 Phantoms to bomb Iraqis with BL.755 CBUs, destroying scores of tanks and other vehicles. Then the IRIAA Cobras and the Gendarmerie O-2As appears over the battlefield and start rolling the Iraqi tanks back.

November 6-7, 1982 : Iran-Iraq- the Iranian forces have reached the strategic Sharahani-Zobeidat road, cutting the most important Iraqi logistical route in the area. The town is captured, but hold only very briefly, as the Iraqis are swift to react with a major counteroffensive of their elite Republican Guards units, which deploys their brand-new T-72 tanks, recently delivered from the USSR, driving them directly from Baghdad. By the 7 November, both sides suffer extensive losses, and are very tired of constant battles, so they settle to stabilise their new positions, or to improve them through local counterattacks.

November 20, 1982 : Iran-Iraq- the Iraqi troops in the Moharram, on the front between Eyn-e Khosh and Musiyan, are in a critical condition. The Iranians have managed to capture several important oilfields, and cut the main communication lines into the area; the IrAF is prevented from intervening by the IRIAF interceptors and SAMs; and the intervention efforts of the IrAAC ends with its helicopters either being shot down by Iranian fighters and Cobras, or being hampered in their operations by strong winds and bad weather.

Far East/Oceania

April- May 22, 1982: Far East- A company-size clash between PLA and PAVN units occur in the Luojiaping Mountain in Yunnan Province and last for fiftyseven days.

September 20, 1982: Far East- China- For the first time, China launches three satellites into orbit, on a rocket from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center. The feat lead some observers to speculate that China has gained the ability to launch multiple nuclear warheads or that it has set up an early warning system against missile attacks.

November 27, 1982: Far East- Yasuhiro Nakasone of the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan is elected to the rank  of Prime Minister

December 4, 1982 : Far East- China-  The People's Republic of China adopts its current constitution.

Mediterrean / North Africa

January, 1982: Mediterrean / North Africa- In Chad Oum Hadjer fall, at only one hundred miles from Ati, the last relevant town before the capital. The GUNT is saved for the moment by Armee de l’Aire, the only credible military force confronting Habré, that prevented the FAN from taking Ati.

January, 1982: Mediterrean / North Africa -  Over one hundred thirty United States military advisors work with the FAR, several of them seen in Western Sahara, Moroccan Forces Armees Royales (FAR) begin to go on the offensive.

March 10, 1982: Mediterrean / North Africa -  The United States places an embargo on Libyan oil imports, alleging Libyan support for terrorist groups.

June 5-7, 1982: Mediterrean / North Africa-The GUNT forces attempt to make a last stand at Massaguet, fifty miles north of capital on the Abéché-N'Djamena road, but are defeated by the FAN  after a hard battle. Two days later Habré enters unopposed in N'Djamena, making him the de facto source of national government in Chad, while Goukouni flee the country seeking sanctuary in Cameroon.

December, 1982: Mediterrean / North Africa-Before Gaddafi could throw his full weight behind Goukouni, Habré attack the GUNT in the Tibesti, but is repelled.

Sub Saharian Africa

April, 1982 : Sub-Saharian Africa- In Ethiopia,  the Operation "Red Star" hit the EPLF (Eritrean People Liberation Front) strongholds at Naqfa and Helhal, where the rebels are subjected to unprecedented bombing raids, in which phosphorous and napalm bombs are used extensively. Nevertheless, supported by the attacks of Ethiopian rebels against government supply bases, the Eritreans hold out and hit back, in turn flaring-up also another uprising in the Ogaden, which distract and stretch Ethiopian resources. In the end, "Red Star" fails, with the Ethiopian Army and the Cubans suffering as many as one hundred thousand casualties.

August 1, 1982 : Sub-Saharian Africa- An attempted coup against government of Daniel Arap Moi in Kenya organized by Air Force officers fails.

Northern Ireland

July 20, 1982: Northern Ireland - Hyde Park and Regent's Park bombings – eleven British soldiers and seven military horses die in PIRA bomb attacks during military ceremonies in Regent's Park and Hyde Park, London. Many spectators are badly injured.

December 6, 1982: Northern Ireland - Droppin Well bombing – eleven British soldiers and six civilians are killed by an INLA time bomb at the Droppin’ Well Bar in Ballykelly, County Londonderry.

Offline JP Vieira

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Re: GLanini Profiles
« Reply #99 on: December 24, 2012, 05:16:36 AM »
Really enjoying this alt history