This is a build of the ICM I-1/IL-400b:

The kit has some nice features, like a sturdy wing box that ensures a proper and solid wing attachment. It also has one very annoying flaw - the corrugated upper wing is inexplicably split not at the trailing edge, but at about the 3/4 mark. This leaves a nasty gap that would be difficult to correct without damaging the corrugations or spending a lot of time repairing them. The kit (at least my copy) was covered in mold release oil.
For the wing gap, I glued a strip of styrene and called it a "strengthening rib" to allow the plane to be used as a bomber.
The original plane, from the early 1920s, was not very good and never went into service. In this alternate reality, the plane was upgraded with a more powerful engine, better guns, bombs and other improvements and soldiered on as a ground attacker until the the late 1930s and the Battles of Khalkhin Gol.
The seat belts, bombs, 20mm cannons and offset gunsight, new exhausts, new oil cooler and tail wheel are my additions.

The guns are from an old Monogram B-29, the bombs and bomb shackles are from an Airfix Pe-2. I just noticed that the wing box is splitting a wing apart:

The decals came with the kit and had to be separated from the sheet individually. They reacted well with decal setting solution and were sealed with Future and a satin coat.

Overall it was an OK kit; it would have been a fun kit if it hadn't been for the upper wing issue. Not bad considering it was $2.99 on sale.